Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Watanabe Blade/Martell Handle - Nessmuck Knife

So every once in awhile we get in a special project, something completely different from the norm. Here's a unique knife that came in for a handle. The knife came to me without a handle installed, just a tang to work with a rough idea as to what was required. The customer had commissioned Watanabe to make him a Nessmuck knife. (In case you don't know who Nessmuck is - check him out).

I was to make a handle to match the blade. Watanabe being Japanese added a marked design influence to this style of knife but I was completely lost as to what to do for my part. The customer pretty much left it in my hands with some gentle nudges for ideas but still nothing clicked. Over 8 months passed and I just couldn't figure this one out, then it hit me, that I should do a Japanese inspired handle -duh! My thought was that since the blade was obviously Japanese knife tradition inspired, and since I do my knifemaking inspired by Japanese blades, that I should use this as the connection. So what you see here is my blend on my USA handle making work and what I get from Japanese hunting knife inspirations.

The wood is Hawaiian Signature (sourced from Stefan Keller) and African Blackwood ferrule (sourced from Burl Source)

So here's some pictures, the Watanabe/Martell Nessmuck knife....

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